
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snickerdoodle Swirls

     I came across this recipe while flipping through an old (2002!) Better Homes & Gardens Holiday Gifts magazine I had saved. I love this magazine because of all its great gift ideas and recipes. These swirls caught my eye because they are different...and they were on a huge spread on the page before the recipe section. I gave these to some friends in these great boxes that are perfect for giving away special treats.

     I really think my mom's snickerdoodle cookies are about the best ever. It might be because they are soft, while most people make kind of crispy or firm snickerdoodles. I'm not sure why, even people who usually make soft cookies, make firm snickerdoodles. I just looked in my history and realized I've never posted her recipe, so maybe I will get around to that one day. Until then, here is the recipe for the delicous and beautiful snickerdoodle swirls. These really do taste wonderful, and I think they would have to be firm in order to create the swirl.

Makes about 60 cookies
1/3 c sugar
1Tbl cinnamon
1/2 c butter, softened
3oz cream cheese, softened
1 c sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
2-2/3 c flour
1 Tbl butter, melted
  • For cinnamon sugar mixture, combine 1/3 c sugar and 1 Tbl cinnamon in a small bowl. Set aside.
  • Beat the 1/2c butter and cream cheese for about 30 seconds. Add the 1c sugar and baking powder. Beat until combined. Add egg and vanilla. Then add flour.
  • Divide dough in half. Roll one half of the dough between 2 sheets of wax paper into a 12x8 rectangle. Remove top sheet of wax paper. Brush dough with half of melted butter. Sprinkle with 2 Tbl of the cinnamon-sugar mixture.
  • Starting from one of the short sides, roll up jelly-roll-style, removing wax paper as you roll. Seal edges. Repeat with remaining dough, butter, and 2 Tbl cinnamon-sugar mixture.
  • Roll each log into remaining cinnamon sugar mixture. Wrap each log in wax paper. Chill in the refrigerator for about 4 hours or until firm.
  • Using a sharp knife, cut dough into 1/4-inch thick slices. Place slices 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet. 
  • Bake @ 375* for 8-10 minutes or until edges are firm. Cool about 1 minute, then transfer to wire rack.

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