
Friday, January 14, 2011

Crock Pot Ribs

     This recipe has been in my file to post for a couple of weeks now, so I think it's finally time to do so. I pretty much love the crock-pot. You can put things in the pot in the morning, be gone all day, and come home to a home cooked meal. It's like you have your own personal maid. On a side note, have you heard of Besides, I have this habit of going on playdates with other stay at home moms. Sometimes this leaves very little time to prepare dinner, and with the crockpot this is not a problem.
     This recipe is the way my mom always made ribs when I was younger, only slightly altered.  I used less BBQ sauce and added soda. The meat just falls apart. The best part is, with so few ingredients, it's relatively inexpensive to make once you buy the ribs. This whole dinner, with those chicken flavored noodles, cost about $6 to make.

Country style Pork ribs (no bones)
Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce
1 can Pepsi (or Mt. Dew, or Dr Pepper, or whatever)
  • Place ribs in the crock. 
  • Pour half bottle of BBQ sauce on top. 
  • Pour can of soda on top.
  • Cook on low for 6 hours.
  • Add more BBQ sauce at the table if you wish.