
Monday, February 14, 2011

Menu Plan Feb 13-18

     Happy "Biff" Day, friends. Spring is in the air...or at least it feels that way up here. This week, we have highs in the 40s or 50s everyday. Don't tease me, Spring; stick around.
     For the menu this week, we are planning some oldies, yet goodies. I was so excited to see whole wheat lasagna noodles for the first time last week. Of course, I have planned accordingly.
     I mentioned, last week, a recipe for homemade frozen yogurt. The texture was really good, but the flavor was pretty tart. It wasn't quite what I expected, so I'm trying again this week and hopefully will be able to post the results.

Lemon blueberry muffins (these were fabulous, recipe to come!)
egg roll ups with english muffins
peanut butter banana split
hashbrown casserole

homemade frozen yogurt

Dinners/ leftovers for Lunch:
Stir fry with chicken, broccoli, zucchini, and carrots; brown rice
Out for "Biff" Day....Peanut Butter apple wrap for lunch next day
Chicken Lasagna w/whole wheat noodles
Tacos with homemade seasoning
Birthday Party @ friend's