
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Menu Jan 23--Jan 26

     I'm behind (surprise, surprise) this week, but it's better late than never I guess. We had a wonderful weekend visiting with family from out of town. We only get to see them once a year, so it was a special time. I still feel like we are recovering from Christmas, or maybe the snow has depressed me enough that I can't get motivated. I'm ready for Spring, that's for sure!
Here's what we are planning on this week...

breakfast sandwich using Canadian bacon
peanut butter banana split
berry baked oatmeal

Cheese sticks
Yogurt, Plain with fruit and honey added
Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies (use as posted, but sub nuts for choc. chips)

Meatloaf, baked sweet potatoes w/garlic &herb laughing cow, dinner roll
chicken w/olive oil & garlic, broccoli
rotini w/homemade sauce, salad
tortilla free burrito, baked corn chips
pita pizzas

Head over to OrgJunkie for hundreds more menu plans and recipes!